hkgg 歡 迎 到 訪 香 港 女 童 軍 228 NT COY 網 站

歡迎到訪香港女童軍228NT COY 網站

Welcome to the website of 228 NT COY (Hong Kong Girl Guide)! 

This is the place where we can share our mission, accomplishments and up-to-date information among our members and others. 

We really encourage you to interact with us and our other members through the Blog and Guestbook.

You are more than welcome to express your felling on the website.

We'll continue to update this site as time goes on so keep checking in! 

Lot of love,

What's New...

*** 總會將於2010年4月24及25日於紅磡體育館舉辦“健康醒目你有Say,齊向毒品講No Way”音樂劇, 請各隊員踴躍參加, 點擊此處參閱詳情,及下載報名表格...30Nov2009

*** 祝Ms Cheng生日快樂...08Nov2009

*** 恭喜Ms Cheng獲頒25年長期服務章...22Oct2009

*** 恭喜隊員曾子芬於週年大會操
暨頒獎典禮2009 - 設計布章比賽中獲優異獎, 請點擊參閱得獎作品... 22Oct2009


地址: 香港中華基督教青少年會 - 顯徑會所 

email: [email protected]

你是我的第dreamweaver stats位客人
since 16 December 2008
